The Power Of Oysters
Oysters have been harvested from the sea for centuries and they provide the human body with a multitude of nutrients and minerals and have fantastic health benefits. Oysters have traditionally been eaten on Valentines Day because they have always been considered to be an aphrodisiac and this view can now be supported by scientific evidence.
Benefits of eating Oysters
Legend has it that Casanova ate 50 oysters a day! Oysters improves dopamine levels which boosts libido in men and women. Oysters are a zinc powerhouse and contain a whopping 5.3mg of this essential mineral in a single medium oyster. Impotence, erectile dysfunction and lower sperm activity are closely associated with zinc deficiency. So, eating oysters can give men their sexual mojo back and increase feelings of masculinity.
Healthy Brain
Oysters are good sources of Vitamin B12, Omega 3 Fats, iron and zinc which boost memory and brain functioning. Low iron reserves reduce the ability to concentrate and low levels of zinc affect memory. Omega 3 fatty acids are a key component in brain functioning.
Oysters contain many healthy minerals and improve the strength of bones. Calcium, iron, zinc and selenium all help increase bone durability and reduce osteoporosis.
Blood circulation and volume
Oysters are a good source of Iron with more than 90% of our daily requirements in each serving. Iron is a key component in the formation of red blood cells in the body and is a key defence against anaemia, the deficiency causing fatigue, stomach disorders and general muscle weakness. A fresh supply of healthy blood cells helps to stimulate the organ systems with a supply of oxygenated blood for efficient functioning and boosting the overall metabolic rate of the body.
Aids weight loss
Low in calories, fat and high in protein. Oysters are high in protein so boost metabolic activity. Proteins are some of the most essential parts of our diet, and oysters are a very strong source. Proteins are often broken down by the body’s enzymatic activity, and then reconstructed into usable human proteins in every part of the body. It ensures proper metabolic activity, tissue repair, cellular growth, muscle strength, and a wide variety of other necessary aspects of human health. The important of protein in the diet cannot be overstated, and a single serving of oysters provides nearly 1/3 of the daily requirement.
Heart Health
Oysters can positively impact heart health in a variety of ways, but primarily, the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids versus omega-6 fatty acids are what impact the cholesterol so greatly. Omega-3 fatty acids are known as “good” forms of cholesterol, and the high ratio of “good” to “bad” cholesterol (omega-6 fatty acids) makes oysters a major player in heart health. It can reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the blood stream and inhibit it from binding to blood vessel and artery walls. In this way, it reduces the chances of plaque accumulation and a variety of health complications, including cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, the high potassium and magnesium content of oysters can help to lower blood pressure and relax the blood vessels, thereby increasing circulation and oxygenation of the blood and reducing strain on the cardiovascular system as a whole. Finally, the vitamin E in oysters increases the strength and flexibility of cellular membranes, which is a third level of protection against dangerous heart diseases.
Wound healing
The unprecedented levels of zinc in oysters result in a number of health benefits, including quicker wound healing rates, and boosted immune system against various infections and microbes. As an essential mineral, zinc is also important for proper growth and development of children and young adults, as well as the maintenance of bodily function for people of all ages.